Miracle Waters Ministries – Brook's Blog

Taste and see that the Lord is good!

The Mind is an Access Point

Posted Sunday, March 21st, 2010

God created us to live from a relationship with Him.  He wants all of our hearts, as well as all of our minds.  The mind is an access point.  We make a choice to open ourselves up to the voice and promptings of God, or the enemy, through our minds.  God wants us to grow and develop into His likeness by being continually renewed into His image by the transformation of our minds.  When we focus our minds on God and His revelations, our hearts will be full of God as well.  Our heartfelt actions, as a result of a God focussed mindset, will come into alignment with the plans and desires that He has for us and the achievement of our destinies will ensue.  Ultimately His Kingdom will be established on earth as it is in Heaven; the earth will be restored to it’s original created value – through us.  (See the book of Romans chapter 12.)